Duration: 2 MONTHS

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Aari and Zardosi Work (Skill Development)

Course Duration: 2 Months (Part-Time)

Course Objectives:

  1. Provide students with proficiency in Aari and Zardosi embroidery techniques.
  2. Develop skills in creating intricate embroidery designs using various stitches.
  3. Prepare students for self-employment opportunities in the textile and fashion industry.
  4. Foster a deep appreciation for traditional Indian embroidery artistry.

Course Overview: This course is designed to empower students with the knowledge and skills required to master Aari and Zardosi embroidery techniques. It covers a wide range of traditional stitches and embellishment methods used in Indian textiles. The course emphasizes hands-on practice, allowing students to create beautiful and intricate designs.

Course Teaching Methodology:

  1. Interactive Workshops: Engaging sessions covering the theory and practical aspects of Aari and Zardosi embroidery.
  2. Hands-on Practice: Extensive practice sessions for each embroidery stitch and technique.
  3. Design Projects: Creating embroidered designs and motifs to apply learned skills.
  4. Guest Instructors: Experienced embroidery artisans sharing industry insights and showcasing their work.
  5. Assessments: Regular evaluations of student work to track progress and offer constructive feedback.

Importance for Learner in Career Growth and Self-Employment:

  • Self-Employment: With Aari and Zardosi embroidery skills, learners can start their own boutique, offer custom embroidery services, or become freelance embroidery artists.
  • Career Growth: Proficiency in traditional Indian embroidery is in high demand in the textile and fashion industry, offering career opportunities as designers, artisans, or consultants.
  • Cultural Heritage: This course helps preserve and promote India's rich cultural heritage by teaching traditional embroidery techniques.
  • Customization: Learners can create unique and customized textile products, meeting the demand for personalized fashion and home décor items.

Course Contents (Modifiable):

Module 1: Aari Embroidery Stitches

  • Introduction to Aari Embroidery
  • Aari Chain Stitch
  • Aari Double Chain Stitch
  • Aari Zig Zag Stitch
  • Aari Herringbone Stitch
  • Aari Stem Stitch
  • Aari Filling Stitches (Water Filling, Pani Stitch, etc.)
  • Aari Buttonhole Stitches (Various Types)
  • Aari Knot Stitches (French Knot, Long French Knot, Ring Knot)
  • Aari Butterfly Stitch
  • Stone Work and Bead Work
  • Chamki/Sequins Work
  • Mirror Work
  • Ribbon Embroidery Work
  • Pendant Work

Module 2: Zardosi Embroidery Stitches

  • Introduction to Zardosi Embroidery
  • Zardosi Loading Stitch
  • Zardosi Chain Stitch
  • Zardosi Braid Stitch
  • Zardosi Lazy Daisy Stitch
  • Zardosi Filling Stitches (Mat Stitch, Fishbone Stitch)
  • Zardosi Knot Stitches (French Knot, Long French Knot)
  • Zardosi Rose Stitch
  • Cut Work
  • Patch Work

Note: Course contents can be customized based on the specific needs of learners or location.

This course equips Indian students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in traditional Aari and Zardosi embroidery, offering both self-employment opportunities and career advancement potential in India's textile and fashion industry. It prepares learners to create exquisite and culturally rich embroidery designs, meeting the demands of the market for traditional and customized textile products.

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